Top Precautions to take while getting out of your home in this COVID time

The whole world is now very aware of the need to take precautions because of COVID, such as frequently washing your hands or using an effective hand sanitiser, but there is still some confusion over the reason such things as face masks are necessary.

Infection prevention when leaving your home

One of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19 and any other respiratory illness is to wash your hands regularly especially if you touch anything outside your home and try to avoid touching any part of your face. If you can’t wash your hands properly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds, use a good hand sanitiser. You can buy hand sanitiser from Just sanitiser in Australia.

· When you leave your home try and wear an outer layer of clothing that you can remove before you re-enter your home as well as shoes or have a foot bath to sanitise the soles of your shoes before you re-enter your home

· If you cough, sneeze or blow your nose, ensure you do it well away from any other person and preferably into a disposable tissue, then wash your hands properly or use a hand sanitiser

· If you don’t have a tissue to cough or sneeze into, use your elbow, not your hands to sneeze into, then if you’re wearing short sleeves wash your arms as soon as possible with plenty of soap and water. If you’re wearing long sleeves change your clothes and wash them using proper laundry detergent as soon as possible

· Use a three layer face mask or clear face screen with a single laver face mask at all times when in public. You do not need to wear a face mask if traveling alone in your own car unless you are stopped in an area where people are walking past such as a traffic jam or parking area

· Maintain distancing of at least two meters or six feet between you and anyone else

What else can you do to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and any other respiratory illnesses?

· Try and limit going into public areas and mixing with people as little as possible

· When shopping get enough provisions to last as long as you can afford, so you are able to shop less

· Try and find an area in your home space where you can get as much sun as possible so your body uses its cholesterol to produce vitamin D and K and enzymes which along with vitamin C, are the main immune system boosters to fight the corona virus

·  Avoid physical contact where ever possible except for members of your household living with you

· Ask people not to visit or enter your home or property

· Avoid going near any hospital or medical center unless you have a real emergency, even if you think you have COVID-19, just call the emergency hotline in your area and wait for assistance.

.When you leave your home take a hand sanitiser with you to use anytime you need to touch any surface at all and before you re enter your home. Wearing face masks, is the best way to avoid spreading the virus to others.




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